Low Resistance Anode Assembly Using Steel Stubhole Conductors Across the Cast Iron to Carbon Interface

Autor(es) W. Berends, S. Haley, M. Gagnon
TMS 2016, Nashville, Tennessee, February 14-18, 2016


Anode assemblies suffer a significant electrical contact resistance across the cast iron to carbon interface that is inversely dependent on contact pressure and area. Industry efforts have incrementally reduced this electrical resistance by increasing stub diameter, changing iron chemistry and by improving the stubhole shape. The additional use of multiple steel conductors to bridge across the cast iron to carbon interface provides a means to further reduce the electrical resistance. The function of the conductors is independent of the iron to carbon contact pressure, the stub temperature, iron chemistry, and the stubhole shape. The steel conductors are tightly driven into the carbon anode at one end, with the other end bonded into the cast iron. This paper includes in-pot performance testing results which demonstrate the reduced resistance when using stubhole conductors.