Power by Parliament Hill

Canadian Consulting Engineer features Chaudière Falls hydroelectric project

julio 6, 2016

Located just over a kilometre from Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada, Chaudière Falls is a run-of-river 29-MW hydroelectric generating station currently being built underground.

The project, for which Hatch is providing detailed engineering, procurement, and construction management, was featured on the cover of Canadian Consulting Engineer June/July edition. Authored by Jim Law, project manager, the article showcases how technical, historical and environmental challenges have been met.

The facility is currently under construction and is scheduled to be in-service in June 2017. Watch the project under construction via Energy Ottawa’s on-site webcam, here.

Read the full feature here.

Chaudière Falls hydroelectric project
Rendering of the new Chaudière site, including the new generating station and viewing platforms for greater public access.