
Corrosion is a naturally occurring phenomenon commonly defined as the deterioration of a material due to a reaction with its environment. Corrosion costs the global economy $2.5 trillion annually and can introduce risks to human safety, as well as environmental sustainability. It is observed among several industries, including infrastructure, utilities, transportation, and manufacturing. There are differing regulations that control asset integrity in each industry; however, comprehensive design, inspection, and monitoring techniques are unanimously required in order to extend the mechanical and structural lifetime of an asset.

Well-designed and carefully inspected materials that consider the effects of corrosion need to be incorporated into new-build projects. Aging assets require consistent maintenance programs that involve monitoring for corrosion. Corrosion control has a wide range of benefits and, when implemented properly, can lead to reliable assets, a safer environment, and greater profit margins for organizations that utilize it.


We are uniquely qualified within several industries affected by corrosion. Do not let corrosion interfere with your operations! Learn more about how we can help you foresee and mitigate corrosion risks.

Corrosion risk review and protection design

Corrosion risks need to be identified and evaluated by experienced corrosion experts. There are a variety of protection options, including cathodic protection, coating systems, and recirculated inhibitors. After the risks are identified, the appropriate protection method can be selected and designed, depending on the severity of the expected corrosion, the environment, and the required additional life.

Corrosion testing, monitoring, and inspection

Regulated corrosion monitoring programs can provide valuable information and real-time updates on an asset's calculated design life. Based on the material of concern, the overall process, and the levels of exposure, a variety of monitoring systems and inspection strategies can be implemented along with continuous support from our corrosion experts.

Materials selection

It's critical to select the right material for any particular task in order to avoid premature equipment failure and optimize process performance. We consider corrosion, high-temperature resistance, and mechanical properties, as well as material availability, economics, and safety to identify the best materials for any specific function.

Cathodic protection

Cathodic protection is an electrochemical corrosion prevention technique, utilized when a metal is surrounded by a conductive material such as soil, concrete or seawater. Hatch provides clients with access to internationally trained engineers with cathodic protection experience in pipelines, tanks, marine/offshore structures, reinforced concrete and bridges. We also provide expertise in stray current analysis for transit applications.

Quality assurance in fabrication

Failures often occur because of an error in the fabrication process. Following material selection, the preparation of suitable specifications is vital for reliably-purchased equipment. Our expertise in critical fabrication ensures that welding, coating, lining installation, forming, and heat treatment are performed in a controlled environment, according to the relevant manufacturing codes. With a strong, comprehensive understanding of processes and dimensional control, we can help you identify potential quality issues before they lead to lost time or revenue.

Root-cause failure analysis

Failure analysis is heavily dependent on the forensic inquiry of the failed component. Our team performs this inquiry using scientific analytical methods, such as chemical and mechanical measurements, and optical and electron microscopy. Ultimately, the cause of failures must be determined to both prevent future occurrences and improve the performance of the existing components.


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