Michelle Hiett receives President and CEO's Award for Excellence from the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials

Michelle Hiett, a principal consultant in Revenue Systems, received the President and CEO's Award for Excellence from the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) at the organization’s annual Industry Awards.
The award, which was presented virtually this year, recognizes individuals, organizations, and COMTO Chapters that have made outstanding contributions to the transportation industry.
Michelle, who has been with Hatch LTK for four years, was among three Award for Excellence recipients, all of whom are representatives on COMTO’s Council of Presidents. Joining Michelle were Beverly Greene, executive director, External Affairs, Marketing & Communications for Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District (AC Transit), and Ruben Landa, senior communications manager, WSP USA. The three were recognized for their work as the July 2020 Industry Awards conference was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Industry Awards for 2020 will be held this fall.
“It was a total surprise...I wasn’t feeling well so I missed the actual presentation. Then, my phone started blowing up with people congratulating me and I was able to watch the remaining awards ceremony. It was spectacular! I feel honored to have won,” said Michelle.
Michelle has been a member of COMTO since 2013. Prior to becoming a Council of Presidents representative, she served the Philadelphia Chapter as Assistant Treasurer/Scholarship Selection Committee Chair, Treasurer, and President.