Hatch ranks 5th in list of Top Intern Programs in Australia

Hatch has ranked fifth on the Australian Association of Graduate Employers’ (AAEG) list of Top Intern Programs for 2021. Having significantly moved up the list since 2019, we’re excited to be recognized for providing exceptional educational opportunities for students and young professionals in our industry. Earlier this year, Hatch was also named one of Australia’s Top Graduate Employers.
The aim of the Australian Association of Graduate Employers (AAGE) Top Intern Programs list is to recognise organisations that provide the most positive experience for their interns, as determined by interns themselves.
The Top Intern Program list is generated from the results of AAGE's annual Intern Survey, the participants all being current undergraduates who were part of an employer intern program in 2020. All individual responses from the interns were combined and used to determine an overall average rating for an organisation. This same process is followed for each separate employer to produce an overall average rating for each organisation based on the responses of its own interns.
"Hatch's student vacation program was invaluable for my ongoing professional engineering development. My internship allowed me to be involved in and contribute to a wide variety of projects while working within multidisciplinary teams,” said Michael Pierens, vacation student (Structural). “From my experience, Hatch is one of the best engineering companies to complete an internship with due to the dynamic workplace culture, interesting projects, and valuable mentorship provided by junior, intermediate, and senior professional engineers. I am appreciative of this worthwhile internship provided by my manager, the structural team, and other Hatch employees."
“Interning at Hatch was more than an opportunity to get to know a reputable and diverse company. I started the internship unsure of what to expect and finished my internship with a sense of direction and a new support network for my own professional growth. The sense of community and collaboration that I found from the work culture, buddy system, and management really helped me to embrace a growth mindset. What really stuck with me as a Hatchling was how Hatch rewarded and valued active engagement from all levels of their staff. A big thank you to all the people I had the pleasure of working with and meeting, your passion and 'how can I make this work' attitude completely blew me away,” said Natasha Kelly (Mechanical & Piping)
Click here for a full list of 2021 Top Intern Programs.
If you’re passionate and committed to building a better world through positive change, our global organization may have just the opportunity for you. Visit the careers section of our website at https://jobs.hatch.com/