More than $25,000 raised for the United Way

Hatch's Calgary offices joined forces to raise $12,500. for the 2020 Calgary United Way campaign, which was matched by Hatch's corporate donation for a total amount of $25,000. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's donations were raised adopting a 100% virtual campaign strategy. The campaign ran from October 26 to November 27, 2020 and comprised of various online activities and events.
A new weekly digital event called LinkedIn challenge was initiated to run throughout the month with the goal of raising awareness about United Way's efforts and increasing engagement. It encouraged employees to share stories, donation links, and donation challenges on their LinkedIn platforms. This event received wonderful, heartwarming submissions and can be found under #HatchUWCampaign2020 on LinkedIn.
Thank you to everyone who lived Hatch's manifesto of positive change by supporting United Way’s efforts to mobilize communities for lasting social change through our workplace campaigns.
Click here to learn more about this campaign.