USS Gary Works No. 8 Blast Furnace Reline
U.S. Steel
United States
2010 - 2013
ahead of schedule
final cost under-run of budget estimate
- The project included the design and replacement of significant structural members, including the skip bridge and cold-blast main bridge.
- The hearth walls, which had not been replaced since 1995, the stack refractory, some cooling members, and a stove shell were also replaced.
- Various control systems had to be replaced, including the distributed control system, stove common programmable logic controller (PLC), and charging PLC.
- A significant change in scope in mid-FEL4 had to be accommodated. The change was incorporated without issue.
- We provided engineering, procurement, and construction management services, including purchasing services, construction and safety management, and warehousing and materials management.
- 3D-engineering modeling was used, included laser scanning of the existing plant areas.
- Engineering was completed on time.
- The project team had to adjust to a significant change in the scope in mid-FEL4, which was incorporated without issue.
- Construction was completed 2-½ days earlier than the planned 48-day outage, saving significant cost by avoided lost production.
“Well done from all areas of execution! Thanks for the continuous updates on the status throughout the outage.”
Project numbers
12% under-run of estimated cost2+ days early completion of planned 48-day outage