Thunder Bay solar projects
Unused space becomes twenty years of green, renewable energy
Thunder Bay Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc.
2012 - 2013
6 rooftop solar installations
83,000 ft2 of otherwise unused roof space
685kW power generation
- The existing buildings were not designed for solar panel loads.
- The projects were located on public buildings being used daily.
- Due to the northern location, panel arrangements needed to be designed to maximize annual power output.
- The arrangement was carefully designed to factor in winter snow removal.
- The arrangement of panels was carefully analyzed to maximize roof coverage without exceeding the structural design limits of the existing buildings.
- Strong management and careful planning ensured the site work did not interfere with ongoing building activities.
- Extensive simulations were carried out to ensure panel arrangements and angles were set to maximize annual output, taking into account roof layout and building location.
- The mounting system was selected to allow safe and easy snow removal, and the system was arranged to minimize the impact of snow on energy output.
- Projects were completed safely, achieving the Hatch goal of “no harm.”
- There were no disruptions to daily building operations or public access to buildings.
- Six installations were completed within the original budget and in accordance with the project schedule.
- The installations were designed to generate approximately 394 megawatt hours of electricity per year—enough to power thirty-six homes.
- Thunder Bay Hydro will sell the generated electricity to the Ontario Power Authority under a twenty-year Feed-In Tariff program (FIT) contract. The electricity will be distributed to the provincial grid.
Project numbers
C$3.6 Million20-year Feed-In-Tariff Program contract