Review and Optimization of the Hudbay Constancia Comminution Circuit
Constancia is a copper-molybdenum deposit located in the southeastern Andes of Peru. The comminution circuit comprises a primary crusher, followed by two identical parallel SAB grinding lines. Hudbay started operations in 2014 achieving commercial production at Constancia within a few months, and through several improvements now consistently surpasses the design throughput of 76,000 tpd. However, as mining progresses, the dominant ore type is the harder hypogene ore, which adversely impacts plant throughput and product size.
Hatch was engaged to conduct a comprehensive review of ore characteristics, Run-of-Mine fragmentation, circuit operating strategy and equipment configuration, and determine opportunities for optimisation. Mathematical models were developed, and simulations conducted to evaluate alternative operating strategies to increase throughput while maintaining or reducing the product size and its variability. Opportunities for improvement were identified and are expected to increase throughput by about 6 - 8% when treating harder ores, without capital expenditure.