Use of discrete-event simulation for production expansion planning at NLMK Indiana LLC
Author(s) E. Valley, R.W. Sindrey, R.R. Beardsley, S.M. Ryan
AISTech 2021 — Proceedings of the Iron & Steel Technology Conference 29 June–1 July 2021, Nashville, Tenn., USA
In 2019, a discrete-event computer simulation model was developed to assist NLMK in increasing slab productivity at its steel plant in Portage, Ind., USA. The model included all meltshop process activities from scrap charging at the electric arc furnace through casting and slab storage. The objective of the study was to identify the most cost-effective way to improve productivity through correctly sequencing the implementation of capital investments and operational changes. In the end, via detailed what-if analysis, the simulation study provided the client with a road map to achieving a 40% increase in slab production while minimizing the capital investment required.