Pilot study - Biogenic corrosion mitigation alternatives for trunk sanitary sewers in the region of peel

Author(s) A. Puri, G. Henderson, S. Hopton, K. Wahler, D. Mutombo
Presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Pipelines Conference 2018


Biogenic corrosion of concrete has challenged wastewater infrastructure since concrete was introduced as a sewage collection and conveyance system material. The combination of anaerobic and aerobic biological processes within wastewater collection systems results in the generation of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) which weakens concrete infrastructure and leads to potential failure. Biogenic Corrosion Mitigation Alternatives (BCMAs) can be installed to mitigate biogenic corrosion by proactively addressing the need for costly, complex repairs (and/or replacement) to underground infrastructure with inherently restricted access. BCMAs were categorized as concrete permeability reducers, physical barriers or reactive coatings. A total of fourteen (14) different BCMA products were evaluated by examining corrosion mitigation performance, proven history of applications, constructability, local availability, and associated construction costs. Top performing BCMAs were selected for pilot installation within a trunk sanitary sewer section and will be subject to a comprehensive testing program to evaluate in-situ biogenic corrosion mitigation performance.