Technical and Environmental Benefits for Dry Atomization

Author(s) J. Bolen, S. Mostaghel, L. So, S. Faucher
AISTECH 2017, Nashville, Tennessee, May 2017


Slag from steelmaking ladle metallurgy furnaces (LMF) and stainless steelmaking argon oxygen decarburization furnaces (AOD) are normally dumped on the ground and slow cooled. As this material cools, phase transformation and/or hydration occur which causes volume expansion, disintegration of slag and hence dust generation. The dusty slag makes material handling and metals recovery difficult. This dust is picked up by the wind and causes environmental issues. Some steelmakers and slag processors use additives such as borax to enhance slag stabilization – this is expensive and can cause different environmental issues.

Air atomization is widely practiced in the steel industry for EAF and BOF slags. This paper describes the proposed mechanism for LMF and AOD dust formation and how dry slag granulation can overcome the issues associated with dumping and slow cooling. Benefits of dry slag atomization include the ability to directly stabilize the slag, enhance or make metals recovery easier and the opportunity to realize higher slag revenues.