

World Town Planning Day: Celebrating Professional Planners and Recognizing the Importance of Placemaking

Carling MacDonald | November 8, 2022
“First we shape the cities – then they shape us.” – Jan Gehl, Architect, Urban Design Consultant, and author of Public Spaces, Public Life (1996) On November 8, we celebrate World Town Planning Day. Over the last decade, the themes and objectives of modern Planning have seen a significant shift. Read on to learn about Planning trends and how Hatch has recognized the need for green solutions.

Canada’s National Day of Truth and Reconciliation is an opportunity to reflect on the past and shape the future

Kathleen Wood | September 30, 2022
Indigenous people today, including the survivors of residential schools and their descendants, have bravely shared the trauma they and their loved ones have endured. If they have the courage to speak, we need to have to have the courage to listen. National Day of Truth and Reconciliation gives corporations, businesses, and clients the opportunity to reflect on, and learn from, our shared past to ensure a better future for all.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation: Healing wounds of the past

Sue Prince | September 30, 2022
On September 30 of each year, Canadians observe both National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day, to commemorate the plight of Indigenous children who attended the nation’s residential schools between the mid-1800s and 1996. For me, as an Indigenous person, it is a time to reflect and heal.
Ryan Cote

How to lessen the risks of doing business

Ryan Cote | September 20, 2022
A recent tailings dam failure in South Africa serves as a timely reminder of the importance of catastrophic risk management. Material unwanted events (MUEs) such as the dam failure can have extreme consequences, including loss of life and irreversible damage to the environment. While such incidents will never be entirely preventable, they can – and should be – mitigated through early preparation and planning.