

A tale of three scopes: Part 2

Matthew Tutty | August 8, 2023
In addition to scope 1 (direct emissions) and scope 2 (purchased electricity, heat, and steam), many organizations now have scope 3 emissions reduction targets in their climate change strategies.

15-Minute Communities: Pioneering Sustainable Urban Development

Michael Sutherland | July 4, 2023
Leveraging Hatch’s proven Great Places Process and application of Social Value, we are building complete communities with complete infrastructure. This approach offers a significant opportunity for widespread adoption, leading to more positive change.

The right approach to Canada’s population and cities

Michael Sutherland | June 5, 2023
Hatch's Michael Sutherland shares insights on how to holistically approach Canada's population and city development opportunities. As the country's population grows due to immigration, it is critical to plan and deliver infrastructure and population growth in a manner that benefits people, the economy, and the environment. Sutherland highlights the importance of transit-oriented community (TOC) development, which promotes active transportation and concentrates development and activity around public transportation nodes or corridors.

Tackling the energy trilemma—globally

Beth Buckmaster | May 31, 2023
The energy trilemma isn’t new within the industry, but more than ever the concept is now at the forefront of our planning and designs. Are organizations addressing its importance?

Helping SMEs understand their Digital Journey

Daniel Miles | May 29, 2023
Unlocking the Digital Journey: Empowering SMEs for success in the digital era. Discover how digital transformation drives business growth and economic performance. Download our comprehensive report to gain insights into the best digital technologies, challenges faced by SMEs, and the impact on the Australian economy. Essential reading for SMEs, global businesses, and government agencies alike.

Assessing the impact of federal funding mechanisms on the electric vehicle value chain: part 2

Mariam Faizal, Jan Maceczek, Yinka Ogunduyi, Siddarth Subramani | May 25, 2023
With the recent focus on advancing access to battery materials and localizing electric vehicle production, several government funding initiatives have been launched to stimulate capital projects globally in support of this goal. In a series of blogs, our Hatch experts explore these opportunities and the challenges they present.