
Richard MacRosty

Advanced analytics: industry’s next great thing

Richard MacRosty | March 24, 2017
Only now, well into the 21st century, is heavy industry beginning to harvest data electronically and leverage its information potential. It may take time and hard work to get the most value from advanced analytics, but the benefits will make the journey worth the effort.
David Mutombo

The high cost of water

David Mutombo | March 7, 2017
It's the essence of life as we know it. But there’s a considerable cost to water, especially to not managing it as effectively as we can and should. In fact, we can’t afford to waste a drop.
Alexander Quinn

Triple-bottom-line decision-making: a consideration of confluence

Alexander Quinn | January 25, 2017
A triple-bottom-line accounting framework lets us see how projects can generate the highest value in environmental improvement, social benefit, and economic gain. It points the way to balanced decisions about where to invest funds and the impact those investments may ultimately have.

What it takes to win

Joe Lombard | January 25, 2017
Much as we appreciate the award recognition, outstanding project management is really just the way we do things at Hatch. We start with the basics. Safety. Communication. Cost and schedule. And most of all, client satisfaction.
Mohammad Sedighy

Powering remote communities and industrial facilities

Mohammad Sedighy | November 17, 2016
Job creation. Access to modern tools, conveniences, and facilities. Cost savings and cleaner environments. Microgrid technology is a game changer for off-grid communities and industries.
Mark Machado

Super cool crystallization ponds

Mark Machado | October 31, 2016
The potash industry is alive and well, boosting crop yields to feed more people and livestock all over the world. Getting there was just a matter of the right chemistry...and a whole new way of thinking.
C. Richard Donnelly

Power dams, climate change, and extreme events

C. Richard Donnelly | September 27, 2016
Warmer temperatures. Melting glaciers. More frequent and more violent storms. With shifting climates presenting competing and conflicting risks, we need to prepare now to protect and maintain our hydroelectric dam installations.