Hatch launches inaugural Positive Change Awards to honor employees committed to diversity and inclusion

Program recognizes those who contribute to our progress, exemplify the values of our Manifesto, and actively work towards strengthening our diverse teams

May 17, 2022

Toronto, Canada - Hatch is on a journey to building a fully inclusive and diverse company that leverages our unique perspectives and experiences to develop the most innovative solutions for our clients while driving meaningful change in our communities.

In honor of International Women’s Day on March 8, we launched the inaugural Positive Change Awards to recognize those who have and continue to contribute to our progress and are actively work towards strengthening our diverse teams.

Employees were invited to nominate their colleagues in the following categories:

Open to employees who identify as a woman and work to create an inclusive environment and community for all, and are an inspiration to their colleagues
Open to employees who do not identify as a woman and who work to support, sponsor, and mentor their female colleagues and demonstrate a commitment to change

A winner for each category were selected in our six regions around the world.

“Our mission calls us to create unprecedented outcomes for our clients and it’s our belief that the best way to achieve this is through diversity of thought. It’s one of the reasons why we feel so strongly about our commitment to building a diverse and inclusive workplace,” shared Pierre Olivier, Hatch’s Diversity & Inclusion program manager. “I’m proud to recognize those individuals that have been going above and beyond to create this positive change by supporting inclusivity.”

2022 Positive Change Awards winners

Inspirational Woman Award:

Helen Adamson
Africa, Europe, Middle East region
Kristi McLachlan
Australia-Asia region
Julie Harvey
Eastern Canada region
Claudia Quinzo
South America region
Ashley Greaves
USA region
Jennifer Woloshyn
Western Canada region

Inspirational Ally Award:

Bennie Vorster
Africa, Europe, Middle East region
Parshin Vaghefi
Australia-Asia region
Jimi Adoumie
Eastern Canada region
Álvaro Gaete
South America region
Joshua Nelson
USA region
Jim Sarvinis
Western Canada region

For more information on Hatch’s diversity and inclusion journey, click here.



For more information, please contact:

Lindsay Janca

Global Director, Public Relations
Tel: +1 905 403 4199
Email: media@hatch.com


About Hatch

Whatever our clients envision, our engineers can design and build. With over six decades of business and technical experience in the mining, energy, and infrastructure sectors, we know your business and understand that your challenges are changing rapidly. We respond quickly with solutions that are smarter, more efficient and innovative. We draw upon our 9,000 staff with experience in over 150 countries to challenge the status quo and create positive change for our clients, our employees, and the communities we serve.

Find out more on www.hatch.com.