Partnering for improved educational outcomes

Hatch partners with The Smith Family to support the Learning for Life program

December 20, 2021

Australia—In October 2021, Hatch launched a partnership with The Smith Family, Australia’s leading children’s education charity, helping young Australians in need to get the most out of their education and enabling them to create better futures for themselves. Hatch kicked off the partnership with a contribution of A$50,000 towards the Learning for Life program.

“The program provides educational support for children experiencing disadvantage living within our communities,” shared Jan Kwak, Hatch’s regional managing director for Australia-Asia. “We know education is key to breaking the poverty cycle, so we are proud to partner with The Smith Family in creating positive change for so many young Australians.”

Every child has the right to an education and Learning for Life provides students with a combination of financial and personal support, as well as vital learning and mentoring programs that help them keep up and stay motivated throughout their school years.

Hatch employees in our Australian offices have already embraced the partnership, with many taking part in The Smith Family’s annual Toy and Book Appeal. In addition to fundraising, volunteers contributed nearly 500 personalized messages to accompany digital gift vouchers that will be sent to children and their families who otherwise may miss out on opening a gift this Christmas simply because their families can’t afford it. Employees have shared positive feedback and gratitude for the opportunity to participate in these initiatives—showing this partnership is already bringing positive change to Hatch employees as well.

Our partnership will continue throughout 2022. Hatch volunteers will mentor and tutor Smith Family students and our Perth and Brisbane offices will host Work Inspiration events to help students in Years 9 to11 gain a positive, meaningful, and inspiring first experience in the workplace.

To learn more about The Smith Family in Australia, click here.