John Bianchini delivers keynote at TAC 2020-One Vision Underground conference

October 21, 2021

Toronto, Canada—Hatch CEO, John Bianchini, delivered the keynote address at the Tunnelling Association of Canada’s (TAC) 2020-One Vision Underground conference held in Toronto on October 20, 2021, to over 250 attendees.

With an emphasis on the Future of Tunnelling, the TAC 2020-One conference highlights advancements in tunnelling design, construction, and delivery – in Canada and around the world.

John spoke about potential of collaboration between the mining sector and the infrastructure industry, using cross-industry expertise that can lead to greater project success and innovation. By highlighting lessons learned from the mining industry (automation, safety, contract & procurement methods) he made a strong case for breaking down the silos between the tunnelling and mining sectors and exploring new ways to learn and work together.

Hatch has deep roots in the infrastructure industry beginning with our work on the initial development of Toronto’s subway system in the 1950s. Hatch started working with both mining and infrastructure clients 65 years ago and expanded into the energy sector as a complementary service for their clients.