Wearing purple to show our pride

Hatch employees join thousands of people across Australia by wearing purple to support young LGBTQ+ people

August 28, 2020

Today employees across Australia participated in Wear It Purple Day, an event that happens annually to show support for young LGBTQ+ people. Employees were invited to wear purple in support and celebration of creating positive change and an inclusive environment within the workplace, our industry, and society.

This year's theme of "We are the change" made it the perfect opportunity to launch Hatch's LGBTQ+ Subcommittee & Ally Network for employees in Australia. The subcommittee was formed with the purpose of creating an inclusive culture where everyone can bring their authentic self to work and to provide advocacy at the executive leadership level.

The launch was celebrated with a virtual event to introduce the subcommittee and featured Shaun Staunton, Deputy CEO of the Queensland Council for LGBTI Health, as a special guest speaker. Shaun spoke to employees about the mental health challenges and discrimination faced by young LGBTQ+ people and the importance of ally-ship and support. He also discussed the important correlation between LGBTQ+ employees being their authentic selves in the workplace and the positive impact on health, well being, and performance.

The subcommittee is just getting started and is looking forward to providing advocacy and visibility for our LGBTQI+ employees as we continue our Diversity and Inclusion journey at Hatch.