57th Annual Conference of the AQTr

The AQTr Congress - Embracing Change: New Realities in Transportation will be held from March 27 to 29, 2023 at the Quebec City Convention Centre.
It will be the largest gathering of the transportation industry and players from various industrial sectors: environment, rail, hydrogen, smart mobility, new mobility, electrification and much more! The conference is fully in line with AQTr's mission, which is to capture and promote Quebec's expertise in transportation and to provide information on recent projects from the various sectors of our industry. Hundreds of participants are expected to attend this annual event, to attend various presentations on recent innovations and academic studies, as well as on major engineering and infrastructure projects taking place in Quebec and elsewhere in the world.
This year, the Congress places transportation at the heart of the issues related to climate change.
Our experts Daniel Langand Salim Konaré pwill share their expertise on the decarbonization of the bus transportation sector in Quebec, which is currently focused exclusively on battery propulsion. It turns out that hydrogen has many advantages that deserve to be considered more as a complement to the battery in the fleets of Quebec's transportation companies. The presentation entitled « Hydrogen : Much more than your plan B » will be presented in English on Monday, March 27 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Join us! Details available here 57th Annual Conference of the AQTr
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