Caitlin Roos
Piping Engineer, Piping Engineering
Caitlin (P.Eng, MASc) has over 10 years of engineering experience in the mining and construction industries.
Caitlin began her career working in construction management at a family-owned construction contractor in Northern Ontario. After completing her undergraduate and master's degrees in engineering, she joined Hatch as part of the Project Delivery Group in Piping Engineering.
Caitlin’s recent experience includes engineering work on slurry piping, long distance pipelines, hydrometallurgy plant design, solution mining, underground mining, and oil and gas applications.
Outside of work, Caitlin dedicates time to STEM outreach at events such the Ontario Engineering Competition.
"Caitlin has been awarded the AFT Platinum Pipe Award for Operational Benefits and Sustainability and placed first at the Canadian Engineering Competition for design and build".
Why do you believe in diversity and inclusion?
To me, inclusion means providing each person an equal opportunity. Inclusion is important because diverse teams managed by skilled leaders can provide cohesive and comprehensive solutions. Different perspectives, experiences, backgrounds, and communication styles are all aspects that create a strong team able to solve difficult problems.
What do you think we need to do as individuals to improve inclusivity?
Individually, we need to treat every person the same. This means acting like yourself regardless of who is in the room, and treating everyone with the same degree of respect.
What does positive change mean to you?
Positive change means leaving the world a better place than when you started. We can create positive change in every aspect of our lives: in industry, our community, and the environment. There are many ways each person can make a positive change every day.
What are you most proud of?
I am proud of the value I provide to the world around me through my technical skills developed as a piping engineer and as a well-rounded person for my family and community. Hatch has been integral in my development as an engineer and in providing the mentorship and opportunity required for me to grow.
What do you like most about working at Hatch? How do you think the Hatch culture is different from other companies?
I appreciate the opportunity and flexibility Hatch provides its employees. My superiors give me the opportunity to learn and stretch myself in challenging roles to grow as an engineer and leader, and my colleagues give me the flexibility to do these roles while being a mother and wife. I have the opportunity to choose my own future and am supported by my mentors in a positive and holistic way.